Wednesday, November 18, 2015

OUR PLANET EARTH by: Aowenicles

Our world is planet Earth
Earth is a world with blue skies
And yellow sunlight
The sun is fiery bright

Look around you,
Feel the breeze
Smell the flowers
From shrubs and trees

It often shines on us
We feel its warmth all around us
But you can see,
Our world is really great

The night begin The daylight end
Perhaps to see The sun descend
Oh! Wow! what the world is really is,
It's truly a God-given gift!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Always Remember by Aowenicles

Forget each kindness that you do
As soon you have done it.
Forget the praise that falls to you
The moment you have won it.

Remember every kindness dare to you
Whatever its measure,
Remember praise by others won
And pass it on with pleasure

Remember all the happiness,
that comes you way in living.
Forget each worry and distress
Be hopeful and forgiving

Remember good, Remember Truth
Remember heaven is above you
And you will find through age and youth
True joys and hearts to love you!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

MONTE CASSINO by romano dio giano

-romano dio giano-

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
We felt the consummate love anyone could never covet
Ho, this man you got was stauncher than the curate.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
She was a daughter of an unknown peasant
It wasn’t either a flaw or a glitch-up on my part.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
She danced well in guild or in unrestricted fair
Everyone’s got to learn to love her alluring hair.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
We always met at the coachman’s cobblestone street,
And we had with us some morsels of stew meat.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
We went to the woods that had shushing leaves, cold breeze
They added to the jitters as I held her phalanges.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
We decided to elope one cool autumn midnight
Let all those who hinder be handed a severe combat.

Long time ago in a place near Monte Cassino
I fell in love with a woman whom I call ISABEL ILMIO
One night before we executed our plot
The Vikings slaughtered my only love.