Sunday, December 27, 2015

Wounds can heal, Scars can never disappear by Crenna

Some say that sticks and
stones can break your bones
but names will never harm you.
That's exactly not true
Broken bones can easily be repaired
Broken hearts can by the amount of time you shared
But the broken soul is hard to heal
Even when you cast a spell, there's no deal
Agony, grief, and pain can cause so much
To run, to rush, to throw, and catch
The hurt you see in a person is on the eyes
Look at them clearly and feel what you see
Looking through a misty glass
Once you look at it, there's no turning back
In a shell of hurt
You're torn of all sort
Making fun of you
Trying to push you down
Just so you know,
Wounds can heal
But scars can never disappear
The damage that had been done
is hard to repair

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