Friday, January 15, 2016

Missing Her by Onyok

I don't know what happen to us
Why did she broke my trust?
She said she loves me, she said she
Cares about me and she said she will never

But all of that are truly lies
She always say " I love you"
But I already notice it's not true
What  have she done to my heart
It's just easy to her to tear it apart
Why did she never asked me
What's the problem to us?
So that we can fix it as fast
And how, i doubtly know,
Why she just leave me fastly
she don't want to hurt me, really?
So i want you now to answer me directly
Oh! God she's dying but why she did not told me
She just run away with her crystal tear
I was stunned and speechless and I feel a fear
I have plenty questions in my mind
What if she will not stay?
What if she will never be okey?
I try to go after her
But her parents stop me to chase her
Until I know that she is already died
I feel my life is useless
And I always cry
I always blame myself everyday
I always pray that I can return the day
But it's imposible
I hope she's happy now where she is
And while i'm sorrowing and missing her kiss........

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