Friday, January 15, 2016

To My Beloved Friend by: book_lover

Dear Missy,
         I know it's not your name. I just picked this up in a book I've read. Before I forget anything I really miss you, ya' know? It's been 4 years now since we met how are you? You still sound like a child the last time you called me! Care explaining why the connection of ours became faded after a while. If you wanna know about me I'm FINE. Don't worry to much OK? Also never cry I know it's hard for me to ask that of you cause they bully you, but, don't, never cry smile at them and say THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FAMOUS. They'll stop, eventually. And I'm looking forward to serenading you on your birthday.
                                                                                                                       With Love and Care,
P.S: I'm serious about that serenading part and you not crying. Remember Always

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