Saturday, January 2, 2016

Faith and Loyalty by luminatina

(A medieval period inspired poem)

We were as one and whole
Like Europe, before the lack of Charlemagne's son in strength
We were happy, wild and out of control
Like Lothair, Charles and Louis' fight for an empire trent

We were dependent
Like the kingdoms of the landowners before it was apart and bent
But we broke up
Like the breaking of Europe into smaller places without a backup

You were like the Vikings who knows I'm dead
You were like them when you knew I was torn and covered with red
You were like them when they found Europe falling apart
You were like them when you saw me falling along with my heart

You were like the English assembly that replaced me with someone anew
You were like King Harold who swore to support me with claims and a clue
You were like the Duke of Normandy who left me with no rights
Yes, you were like him when you promised me everything with all the flickering lights

You weren't like the vassals who swore an oath of fealty
Because we weren't the couple who remained with all faith and loyalty.

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