Thursday, January 14, 2016

Fix me by:Deodan

It hurts to hear the words
That bullies me
My ears seem so painful
My feelings are full

I think so deep
And I realize it's just a trial for me
So I will pass away from any trials
Because it's my problem that God gave me

It is a trial only
But I felt different
And sometimes I don't mind them
Because it is just a trial for me

It would hurt so much
And then, Lord take me I said to myself
But I think I need to finish my course to commit my ambition
And I said again Lord fix me.


  1. Life is a precious gift from God, we must be thankful for the gift of life he has given us, be strong and don't be discouraged for all trials in life that you experienced because God is with you always to help you. Trials help you to become strong and have a determination to pursue to achieve all your goals in life.
