Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hidden Love by: Art

(On a party)
       Aril bumped into this another kid. When Aril looked at the kid he bumped, he smiled at her. Yes! A cute litle grown-up boy. Aril was about 7 years old and the boy was about 8, The boy helped Aril to get up because of falling from the bumping scene. After saying thank you, Aril was about to leave when the boy called her."Hey princess". Aril stopped from walking and face the boy. Aril answered "What?". The boy asked "What's your name?". Aril answered again "'s Aril".And again the boy smiled and say "I'm Art. I mean Art is my name. Art Angelo Mendez". Is that insulting? Am I stupid not to understand that :/. Aril just smiled back. Art grabbed Aril's hand and ask for a walk. She just say yes. And that was the start of their great friendship.

Ten Years Later

Aril's phone rang.
Bebe Art calling.......... When she looked at the time, it's only 6:00 in the morning. Why so early? Why would art call me?, she whispered. It's like the first time. Aril picked up the phone and even without saying hello, Art greet her with a loud voice., "Good morning princess!". "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not a princess", Aril mumbled. "OK fine, so much of that PRINCESS", then he had a big laugh. "So what is it pretty boy?", Aril asked. "Pretty? I'm not a girl, I'm just pretty handsome", he chuckled. "Remember Nicole?, he asked. Aril answered, "Yes, why?". "You know She's my crush, right?", he asked again. "Of course yes". "Can you help me with her?", he please me. Aril just agree with it. That wad the first time Aril saw Art became so excited of something not even worth exciting for. There was something Art didn't know about Nicole. She was already 3 week engaged to her boyfriend, Andrew. But that wad just a secret. Aril and Nicole were friends too, that's why Aril know about he engagement of Nicole and Andrew. Aril didn't tell Art about it knowing he'll just get hurt 'cause Art was like that for a week. Isn't hat Aril didn't love him. Aril used to love him since the day they met. It hurts her also seeing and knowing that Art is happy with someone else.

 Aril walk towards the door curiously thinking who will come to visit her 7:30 in the morning. When she opened the door, it is her deary best friend with a wide smile. Art pull Aril hurriedly inside and took a seat on the sofa. "Hey princess. Help me prepre a surprise dinner for Nicole". Ouch!. "You won't reject me do you?", he utter. "Surprise huh? Then why do you think I would help you?", Aril asked him with a teasing voice while walking towards the refrigerator to get some juice. Art's forehead crumpled and answered, "'Cause you are my best friend and you love me", he smiled again. Aril smiled to what he said and asked "Oh really? Who said that to you?". "uhmm...Me? Just now?", he answered. Aril finally laugh and pinched his cute pointed nose. "OK fine. You pretty prince". He chuckled a bit and hug Aril. She was shocked. She just back to the normal her when Art said thank you. I wish like this forever. That's the only thing she said to herself. After that, they planned the surprise dinner. It's about 11:00 when they finished. Art left and Aril was all alone again. Her apatite was lost in the food anymore, so she decided to get some sleep.

Few Hours Late

It was already 6:00 p.m when Aril got up. A very long sleep eh? She got herself fixed.
When she got to the venue, everything was settled perfectly.
She was about to leave when the music starts and remembered something. It's our theme song. Why is it playing?. Then suddenly Art appeared on the entrance. He walk towards Aril and held her to the dinning table. Before reaching the table, Aril broke the awkwardness and said "What's this? What's all of these?". He smiled and said "Hey hey Princess. Let me explain. Here, take a seat. "All of those I said about Nicole was a lie. Nicole is not my crush nor anybody 'cause their was someone already stole my heart since I was a kid", he explained and held my hand. "I'm scared to shoe my feelings for you 'cause I know that you don't love me more than what we are, but that was in the past. I already have courage to confess it to you, and that time is now. I just used Nicole to plan all of these. I also know that she's already engaged", he continued. "So my Princess, Aril Jasmine Montes, will you be Art Angelo Mendez's girl? Will you be mine?", he asked Aril while holding her hand. Aril suddenly answered, "YES!". They hugged and slowly, they kissed. Perfect night, it is.

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