Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Lost Princess by: eunimusikwondo

  There was a girl dreaming that she will find her true love. Her name is Erezel .She live in a small town with her two step sisters named Daily and Cindy. Erezel is the youngest and most  beautiful. That's why they hate her and didn't like to be with them. Erezel is always in the house doing all the household chores cause she is the slave of her step sisters.

  One day her step sisters was invited to attend a ball party in the house of Rodin,the most handsome man in town. Her step sisters was excited. She ask them if she can go with them but they said she won't be with them. After that she felt sad and has no freedom. Erezel was sitting on a box ,she felt something on it. So sdhe oppened it. And she found out a beautiful dress,shoes and accessories. She decided to wear it and went to the party wearing a mask so that her sister will not noticed he. While all the visitors were dancing Rodin noticed her standing alone. So he asdk her for a dance and she said yes.
  While they were dancing her step sister found out that it was her. They grabbed the mask and put Erezek into shame. Because of what happened Erezel run out from the party. From that day they couldn't find Erezel.

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