Thursday, January 14, 2016

Distracted Ones (article) -Onyok and Gemini

"Social Media here, Social Media there, Social Media everywhere".

Many of the teenager and even the elder was addicted on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twittter, Link, Messenger, Wattpad and so on and so forth.
Facebook has the highest percentage of people using it and mostly are the teenagers. Most of the teenagers cannot focus on there studies because of Facebook. That even they gonna do r there projects or homeworks but they use to login in Facebook to update there status. Some of them got lower grades. Some of them posted  naked photos and irrelevant videos that sometimes lead the youth do sexual activities  And also do raping
Instagram same as Facebook has the disadvantage of it some user posting sexual video and photo. Some of that video and photo was posted by an user. User that makes someone's dignity even it's out of their personality. It's also ruined the personality of the user and using there gadgets  while the class is going on for the reason is to know what's the new update .
Twitter is also one of the reason why people was distracted by social media. Many people/teenagers was so busy and giving there time so that they will have many followers. Some of them push someone to follow them to became famous.
Messenger is used to communicate. But some of them was attempt to chat even he/she need to study. Then sometimes you have a friend in Facebook but you don't know him/her that message you, that he/she needs your naked photos and he/she wants to see you. Wattpad can destroy the eye of the reader because the eye read to long and while reading the radiation of the gadget can affect the eye. It has romance that's not suitable for young readers below 18 because there is a part of the story that has a sexual doings and they started to imagine that it can make them have mentally insane. And some of the people especially the teenagers are being attempted to plagiarize because of it.
So, social media user be aware about the disadvantages, and to all parents reading this article see what your son/daughter social media and guide them how to prevent this disadvantages.

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