Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Once upon a time in one place Egypt, there was a girl her name is Hera. She is full of hope. But she is so shameful. On her class she had haters. then ,these girls always bullied on her. But on the other while Hera didn't wasted her time to take revenge on the. One day happened.....And this is not the first time. When Hera is preparing her lunch with her self the girls saw her.Then they planned wisely.

Aphrodite: girls.... come here! Helen put Hera's food, then waste it....go!!!

   Then Helen didn't waste a minute, she followed the command of Aphrodite.After all that happened Hera didn't think to revenge.Then Hera asked a question to Helen.

Hera: Helen why? why do you always do this? even if you know that they are so bad. Why you still             on her group...Helen please , jut give a minute for your self to choose good and not bad.
          Helen I know that you is good.But when you continue this the evil wait for you.
          So please stop it and can you may teach a good attitude on Aphrodite.

Helen: I don't know? I don't know?

   She's shouting while saying that. Then she walked out. Tend one day Helen start to avoid to her group. Then she asked herself...

Helen: Helen why? why you do this?
            Why you accept that you is one of the follower of evil?

   Then she cried!Then she realized that Hera is correct.
Then after all these days, she stopped to be friends by Aphrodite...
Because of Hera, Helen to a good follower of god.So that she will continue to give some advice to her classmate. Then her classmates say to her "thank you Hera we  love you".

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