Wednesday, January 13, 2016

UNLUCKY BY: slitia

   There was a girl named Zandra, she has her best friend named Zandrick. They we're birth born on the same month, day and year. They were best friends since birth, until it reached to the day that their parents want them to enroll in a private school. Zandrick has his hair like a scrub while Zandra is pretty as a model. Zandra deeply know in her heart that Zandrick is handsome that's why she fell in love with him. Zandrick was really handsome but no one can appreciates it because his face was blocked by his hair. The first day they went to school, each student look on Zandra. Most of the boys have a crush on her but she just ignored it. The next day Zandrick confessed to Zandra that he like's Krissy. Krissy is one of their classmates. Because of telling the truth, she fells busted by that time, but instead of wasting her time to cry she just supported her best friend on how he'll confess to Krissy. When she got inside their campus she heard her schoolmates talking about her best friend and because of it she felt worried. Years passed but no thing had changed, she's still assuming that someday, Zandrick will fall for her even if there's no possibility that Zandrick will fall for her. Even if she's still assuming, she know herself that they are really not meant to be. On the end of her story, she lived alone and sad knowing that there's no forever  and don't assume things that can harm you. And on by time she'll die, her last words will "I'm unlucky of fallen for you".

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