Saturday, October 31, 2015

ONE DAY IN MEDIEVAL TIME by syntax error

-syntax error-

Winds prevail and the rains subside
Oh it’s cool for harvesting time
Let’s come home early tonight
We’ll get to reap our grains with might.

The lovely serfs wrought with smile
How wonderful to look at them in the eyes
They forget to get wed so soon
Just as they enjoy gazing stars and moon.

See how festive to work in a manor
To push the return of its former grandeur
Really it’s fairest to carouse life’s revelry
Let’s get drunk and merry till midnight hails.

Oh those damsels watch the knights pass by
I see the monarch’s heiress stand by
Waiting to patch up the hope for love
From a knight that said “nope” to her love and she sobs.

There are countless stories waited to be told
I am here to ever slowly make it unfold
But, Oh, I’m sorry I can’t ponder and be so mean
From a heartbreak that my knight caused me splintered ruin.

Spend It Wisely By Abad C.

The rushing sound came from the clock
Seconds, minutes, hours had passed

Still nothing to do
Just lying in bed until the moon turns blue
The earth shook in eternal shock

Awakening me from my deep slumber
Getting up and getting out of my chamber
I let my feet drag me to my destination
Wondering why and in need of an explanation

I looked up, seeing an antique clock
The sound came from its mouth
As if it wanted to shout

I suddenly fell down, breathing heavily
I felt my heart race so quickly
My mouth went dry
Is it already time to die?

I glance up the clock
Life is short I see
That's why we should spend it wisely

Corrupt by Mermerizone

You crushed and killed luminous dreams
By sending painful and crucial death beams
Civillians thought that you are the people whom to lean
But you chose to fall in temptation and stealing is what you mean.

Cant  you just provide us equal services.?
Than giving us awkward and false promises.

I thought intellectual people are straight-minded?
But  look where the country has harshly landed

Starvation, poverty and bodily quivers
Are being solved by the poor by selling their own livers
Why dont you value the ones who put you in position
And solve the catastrophic signs that we all call your mission

Don't say we always blame
Because if you are worthy in the throne, problems you shall claim

Coursing through the dephts of misery and misfits
And the dying people knowing their own limits
Show us even the slighliest mercy
And we'll call you "Your excellency".

MOONLIT NIGHTS *dedicated to oct30fleetingpal*

MOONLIT NIGHTS *dedicated to oct30fleetingpal*
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See how I cuddle you from dawn to moonlit nights
Until you gasp for breath and ceaseless sighs
See how I love to love you erotically
That’s never-ending want for sheer vanity

This suture that stemmed from our insanity
Oh how we love to feed our fantasy
Our insatiable appetite to be together
Keeps echoing when we’re at the barge close inshore

See how I crave for more when I prick your lips
You turn out to be less dominant when I’m priggish
Oh how I long to caress your body invariably
Till I get to see your demigoddess beauty

See how I plea for more to keep the fervor burning
I grip to be a captive of your boundless penchant
Like chocolates that tingle and capture your liking
I don’t need much…you’re all I want

You’re all I wish my primo terrific buddy
You get hold of me in perpetuum
 Tis love has got to last constantly
Till hell freezes you’re ever in my cerebrum.

Friday, October 30, 2015

auld lang syne---- *GOOD OLD TIMES* with you oct30fleetingpal

auld lang syne --(good old times)--
                        -syntax error-

Hold me by the hand
Like you’ll never gonna lose me
For all the things we’ve tried
Like those whispers we made at the alley

Remember when we ran away
Just to spend it wallowing all day
To let loose of the things we can’t control anyway
So our amour won’t lead astray

Remember when you told me
Though we had no anything
At least I was your “everything”
That meant the whole world to me

I showed you my imperfections
And all those that I could be
And still bump me into our favorite assignation
Expressed that our hearts were bound to symmetry

Oftentimes I unfixed your hair
Assaulting me as if I were an assassin
Laughed at each other’s displeasure
Ended with kisses coupled with nibbles

Remember when you held my fingers
You uttered our love would dawdle
Never would it doom to fade
As you hugged me on a balustrade

Remember one day, I went bamboozled
My heart’s algorithm went puzzled
I didn’t know what went wrong
Of those promises of you and I all along

The thoughts of you with me by my side
Suddenly becomes barren
This feeling do not yet subside
As I dry my tears in a basin

I lost my thoughts eventually
Had no plans of moving on
Coz all through these years it was only you, categorically
Remembering those times on and on . 


Sorry, If I Have To Change

I'm sorry,
Because I ended this beautiful chapter of ours.
Turning the pages seemed so sour,
Every second of my day feels like an hour.

I'm sorry, 
I wasn't capable of keeping my promises.
I'm sorry for making you feel hopeless.
I'm sorry I left you with lots of mess.

I'm sorry,
That I gave your heart so much pain.
I caused you wounds and a heavy rain.
And that I was numb and I didn't feel sane.

Maybe we had the right love at the wrong time.
Maybe our story was like committing a crime.
Maybe Cupid's arrow released too early.
Maybe we weren't meant to last till eternity.

Sorry, I left you.
Sorry for making you plead and sue.
Believe me, I pretended that I'm fine.
But you didn't notice with my certain line.

I have to be distant.
I have to be on the state of range.
I have to stop this rant.
And I'm sorry, If I have to change.

IMPOSSIBLE WISH by occultum affectus

Impossible wish
occultum affectus
Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't? Try hard to fight your feeling, but you just couldn't? You fall deeper with each passing day, But try to hide it in a possible way. She's only a friend and nothing else That's the lie that you keep telling yourself. You keep saying she's just a bud, But deep inside your falling in love. You get so giddy when you meet her eyes, But keep reminding yourself it isn't right. A simple glance turns into stare, But you pretend that you don't care. It's not right for you to be Is that why you hide it so no one can see? But how long will you pretend Keep lying that she's just a friend. Perhaps your feeling you can never show. Perhaps it's wrong for her to know. Your friendship can't be risk over this So being her man is an impossible wish.

taking chances

taking chances
by Jieaseleanne

It's still little cold outside tonight But I was too close not to say Hi You know I talked to a friend of yours at school And he gave me the impression that you might be cool. All along it"s been you on my mind Something's special about you is hard to find I know every guy's searching for romance And I'm wondering if you'll take the chance. I think i'm falling to you Like I don't know what i'm gonna do I can't explain the way I feel But I wish it is real Our love is like in a fairy tale movie There"s always a wicked person who will say: “I won't even have a little piece of your heart" Sad to say, I have the whole part.

SYMPHONY---dedicated to oct30fleetingpal

                -syntax error-

Dance to the beat my love
 Feel the symphony…
Let’s bubble a cacophony…
Make your love falter and fab

Stride and lean forward
Let our love be orchestrated
My sentiment isn’t to be altered
From this day and onward

Take a leap and step…
You know, I’m the one that’s left
To play the accordion with a hand
My dear, I’m enamored…so adamant

Though I’m an addled romantic
This soul’s never gonna break your heart
I’m forever next to you, adjacent
Never bid you adieu, ponder me smart

I see we’ve a close affinity
Let’s tie the knots, not ever adrift
Pledge swears up until eternity
I’m radiant this has no limit

The rhythm that adds to aide-memoire
Starts with a dance, ends with a kiss
Whisper with hankering ear-to-ear
I beg for more, satisfy me please.

Copycat by Mayonnaise

Oh I am but mesmerized
By the people who plagiarize
How can they hide their mysteries
In a world full of curiousities?

I despise them ofcourse
My intro was sarcastic like a laugh of a horse

Cant they just be original?
Than to poison minds like toxic chemical.

My intention is not to brag
I just want the cat out of the bag

If you boast that you're original and pure
Think again because I am someone you cannot lure.

Goodluck fellow dream chasers
We'll walk through a bunch of razors
But we will never be traitors
To the one we call the Creator.

Moved-On by Mermerizone

I missed the misty scent of your cologne
Every inch of your flesh and bones
I missed the nacho sauce in your chin
And sobbing because you thought eating was a sin

I missed how you're asking me if in an outfit you look fat
And I'll simply change the topic and make a humorous chat
I missed how you punch me lightly in my chest
Because you failed at something and you thought you weren't the best.

I missed how you take pictures of me sleeping
And laugh a lot but end up weeping.
I missed the feeling of me getting jealous for some other guy
But you end up hugging me so I'll just think what I see is a lie

I missed the way you giggle on watching romantic films
And your shouts seemed to be a melodic hymn

Until one day, it all faded.

You told me you got bored and I wasn't enough
And you told me I can't cry and that I'm numb and so tough.
You packed your bags and left me hanging
And in that very room my heart was cracking

I thought you were also hurt but I saw you with another person
And I think my heart lost its other portion
That day served me a painful lesson
But before that, I think I'm injured and I need a surgeon.

I haven't ate for days
And I drove my friends away
I was thinking of how stupid I am for believing
That the guy I was being jealous about on the start will be the reason of why you will be leaving.

I missed the way you cared
I missed the love we shared.

And then I realized,

I also miss hanging out with my friends
Drink booze, chill in a bar and thinking my life would never end.
I also miss working with my co-workers in the company
And accepting my scrumptious and breath- taking money
I also miss not thinking about you, and the days we did not yet meet
And writing doodles on a wall on a street.
I also miss living a life of me being single
And the feelings where my hormones never tingled

And then you returned,

All the pain went back
It felt like I was drowning in the sea inside a sac.

I can't believe that my heart thief
Is being arrested by the police chief

I asked why, why did you end up being a criminal?
You said you hospitalized your boyfriend who hurt you physical
But the police officer said what you told me is fictional
You were being arrested because you did something that wasn't legal.

I asked "why did you go straight to me?"
"Because her boyfriend was the drug lord himself" he plead
You begged me to bail you out
And of course I did
I wasn't that of a trout
But tears came out of my eyelid

When you got out, you end up seducing me
Staring at me, holding my hand and bonding with me passionately

But I learned a lesson
To be a more intellectual person
I told you that night that I am not your pawn
And explained to you that things have changed and I have moved-on.

Other Half by Yanaenae

Some may know how lucky I am
Others may see how happy I am
But they don't actually know my unfortunate side,
Hiding the worst part of my life.

People know that I'm inspired
But I actually know that i only aspire..
Dreaming that one day my feelings would be dried .
Now i tried , but suddenly I am now tired.

Thinking that hopefully I'll forget all the misfortunes
Trying to make all things never be tortured.
Hoping that someday I had finally matured
To gather all the good things I captured.

 Also hoping one day I can find a person that makes me wanna laugh.
A person that could comfort me when I have a cough.
Accepting me for who I am, even my life is so tough.
But I know I have to wait for the right moment to finally find my other half.

Empty Pocket by Yanaenae

One never notices what has been done
One can only be seen when the remains are all gone.
One of the keys is to find happiness But one of these also bears sadness. How can I ever find happiness?
If my life is full of unfortunate events
How can I ever fill my promises?
 If my life always encounter enemies
And stories that brings tragedies.
Why can't I ever succeed?
 Am i that hard-headed indeed?
 Or a type of person that doesn't want to stay as an immature seed
Knowing that i could do this on my own, and that is what I believed
 Until one day I see one and important thing in my jacket,
 And that is my favorite locket.
But I know I have to use it,
 Even there's some tears behind my eye socket.
 Thinking that this is the only way to fill my empty pocket.

Black Heart by Yanaenae

Love is not what you say
Love is what you do all day.
I admit all the things I used to be
 But i also admit the things i want to be
Looking up the stars
Thinking your love for me would be a blast
And I'll never break your trust.

 Then I recalled you have a black heart
So i would rewind it from the start They say relationships are often prepared by people whose ordinary
With an extraordinary passionate heart capacity.
 It has no survival rate like an ancient philosophy
And For us to know it's unnecessary. It's the kind that awakens the soul And makes us reach for more.
Temptations won't distract,
But there's one sentence in my mind And that is "never waste tears on a black heart"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Gift of Christmas

by: Aowenicles

Thank you Lord for everything
You made the moon and stars
That come out at night
With its golden light

While the stars that over sprinkler
All the heavens seem to twinkle
To the tintinnabulation that so Musically wells
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells

Whose privilege and joy,
A little homeless boy,
On Earth, both tame and wild
Upon the Christmas child

Whatever happens,
Whatever may be,
Here is what Christmas
Means to me

The Whole World Teems

by: Aowenicles

I know a place
Where no one ever goes
There's peace and quiet
Beauty and repose

It's hidden in the valley
Beside the mountain spring
And lying there
Beside the stream

I bring fresh shower
For the thirsting flower
From the seas and the streams
In their noonday dreams

But something surely to behold,
Not bough with silver or with gold
Not shown in any land of dreams,
For open my eyes, the whole world teems

My Work

by: Aowenicles

Let me do my work from day to day
Let me find it in my heart to say
This work can best be done in the right way
When vagrant wishes beckon me astray

People are afraid to let me try,
And sometimes I need to cry
My sight inconvenience has taught me,
And the courage to be all I can be

In field or forest, at the desk or loom
In roaring marketplace or tranquil room
"This is my work, my blessing not my doom"
Of all who live, I am the one by whom

At eventide,
To play and love and rest
Because I know, for me,

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Selfish by Onyok

When I first met you
My heart is trembling and don't know what to do
I chose you to be my inspiration
And inserted you to any discussion
But when the day passed by
I expected it to be "you and I"
Until the nightmare came,
I prayed that our feelings will be the same
We always chat on Facebook
Hoped that in person we could talk.
Oh! You're so beautiful and true
I will not let somebody else fall for you
But then, I heard a news
You have boyfriend, its obvious
You always look happy
That guy you love is so lucky
I promise to myself no other man will love you but me
But I can't do anything
He gave you all of his everything
My life is getting miserable
My heart is bouncing in sadness like a ball
Recalling what i did
I totally found myself SELFISH, indeed..

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Role of My Life by StarAsh

I describe myself as a tiny fly
Flying in the lonely sky
Sometimes I wish that I should just die
Because the others make me cry

My heart is like a hideous stone
Because it reflects that I'm alone
Some even shout at me in a high tone
Then I end up feeling like I'm a hung phone

But I realized that I shouldn't say never
To the life that made me believe in forever
With God together
I would just remember

If they push me away
I'm strong anyway
I won't get back to my yesterday
I want to focus in my day

One, two, three
I'm counting below a tree
Admiring the view of the sea
And thinking that this is my life and I am free

Falling In Love With my Seatmate By StarAsh

We're still friends
But I think my love for you is more than a friend
That's right, I love you more than a friend
And I think my love for you will last until the end.

Time may be fast
But our friendship goals are vast
Providing you gifts is a must
Like how I bestowed to you all of my trust

You are my lady in blue
Your attitude always gives me a clue
My love is sticky like glue
And my feelings are fully true

We are almost in the gate
The time is not too late
I'm inviting you on a date
I'm telling you that you can relate
I'm madly in love with you, seatmate

Monday, October 26, 2015

Hear, Agony


Hear, agony, you dwell in demise
Sink, vanity, be fond of disguise
Hear, O sanity, the echoes of shame
Feel, my remedy, salvation will rise.

Blossoms of evil, sprouts of shade;
Hear, agony, hear, the darkness awaits
From the pits of doom, crawling misery stares,
Reaches myself, from the light I bare.

Run, apathy, run, for the advent of sense
Leaps forward, crushes, willfully cleansed
Your soul of adversity, lack of life
Remorse the demise, of numbness, you strife

Blossoms of evil, sprouts of shade;
Hear, agony, hear the darkness awaits
From the pits of doom, evil, I glanced
At the light I bare, woke up-tranced..

A Letter To Zyl


Dearest ZYL,

Let me make everything clear,
I don't need you.

I don't need you when I feel blue.
I don't need you to make my dreams come true.
I don't need you to protect me.
I don't need you to love till eternity.

I don't need you to stay.
I don't need you to be allay.
I don't need you to be mine.
I want to tell you that I'm perfectly fine.

I'm tired of being a crybaby
I'm tired of being your easily fooled lady.
I'm tired of the way you make me hope.
And I'm tired of all your promises left hanging like a rope.

Is it clear now my dearest ZYL?
That I'm already done with you and your tricky thrill.

Yes, I love you and the things that you do.
But I have to say this without leaving a clue.
That I'm tired, tired of needing you.



Why won't you choose me?
Why not fall inlove with me?
Why won't you love me the same way that I loved you?
Why won't you treat me like the way I treat you?
Why won't you do this to me?

Why not try everything to make me happy?
And stop doing things for her that goes unnoticed constantly.
Stop being so foolish!
Why don't you just love me?
Don't you think this might lead to endless ecstacy?

Why not my dear?
Is this really your fear?
I'm not a monster to be unloved and be thrown away.
I'm just someone who asks you why.
And you didn't noticed for a while.

Why does it have to be her?
And not me?
Why does it have to be not us unconditionally?
Because you love her and not me?
Why does it have to be unfair and filled with uncertainty?


Will Never End -by Gemini

I wish that i can find someone
Someone,that can make me feel that I'm the only one,
Someone that holds my hand while passing by,
Who's with me all the time.

I wish that there are things,
Things, that I'll receive with greetings
Things we could share to each other,
That symbolizes forever.

Finally, my wishes are coming true,
He suddenly appeared out of the blue,
I had no idea nor a single clue,
Now I see the one, whom I'd wish I knew.

The first time I saw him, my world suddenly stopped,
Just like my heart, hit on the spot
Thought of taking chances, no ifs nor buts,
This scene, is just like in a movie cut.

He came to me like there was no end,
I am the happiest in every moment we spend,
And let the world know, that his love will amend,Made me realize,that forever will never end.

Die Young


One day, i'll leave the world
And never come back
Living my messy life and got blurred
Now it's getting hack

Crying after seeing the date when i die
Appreciating the bouquette that you buy
Missing me when you're in your lonely sit choice
Won't be able to hear my laugh and sweet voice.

There will be no more me,
To imitate,tease and say "sorry stupidly!"
Tears might flow out of my eyes
But i will be gone with no more lies

So enjoy my silly company
As i enjoy my life in heaven, till eternity
Painful goodbyes? Never say never
As much as before i close my eyes, forever

I Love You, Goodbye


"I Love You, Goodbye"
       ~by: Yanaenae

You cared too much for me
Cause you say I'm your destiny
But there's no you and me
So just forget your feelings for me

I love you from the bottom of my heart
I always miss you even we're not apart.
Thinking that you and I were sitting at the bench of the park.
Even a million dog had every hours bark.

Time had passed
And i know your feelings had last
Cause you're not around,
My heart felt drowned.

Even you don't have much care
You know i'll always love you anytime and anywhere.

Even though i'm happy to say I need you
Giggling to say i love you
Hurts to sing a million lullaby,
But it's painful to say "I Love You, Goodbye"

Gummy Bear


Sweeter than a candy
Much cuter than baby barney
You always make me happy
Cause you are so fluffy

When i'm with you it's like heaven
Is to be given and taken
Please don't even try to leave me
Cause i need you,unfortunately!

Oh! You're so yummy
You always make me certainly jolly.
I just want to eat the part of you
And that is so true

I don't like and want you to be shared
For them? I'm just flipping my hair.
Cause for me you have much care,
Oh! You're so sweet my gummy bear

R's Blood


I bathe in moonlight,
Strong and invasive.
I bathe in his sight,
Shy yet seductive.

I bathe in his blood,
Warm R's blood
And I feel peace,
Yes, peace!

But there's something more.
His blood hissed sorrow.
A painful whisper, that is.
His blood hissed demise,
A menacing feeling.
His blood hissed darkness,
A nightmare, that is.
His blood hissed hopelessness,
A dragging feeling.

He sways through the night,
Caressing dreams, chasing demons.
He embraces every soul
With his light for a reason
That his protection meant peace, it meant peace!

But I killed him, and
I bathe in his moonlight,
I bathe in his blood,
In warm R's blood.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

To Us by Mermerizone

You should first learn to count
Not to make your butt bounce

You should first learn to read
Not in fraternities should you lead

You should first learn to write
Not focusing on finding Mr. Right

You should first do your homework
Not filming yourself doing the twerk

You should first do your chores
Not getting drunk outdoors

You should first open your books
Not enhancing your looks

You should first master good manners
Not becoming early mothers and fathers

You should first dry the milk in your lips
Not giving away beerhouse tips

You should not take for granted your childhood
Because tomorrow you might end up craving for food.

Be a person today of what you wish you aren't
Because in the future, maybe you'll surpass the goodness of your parents.


H A P P E N S T A N C E (luminatina★) For a second Cupid fell asleep And fate unfolded me unto you. For a second time, refused to move on And in trance we both fell in love. For a second the world seemed perfect And the music of love went floating. For a second the hidden heartstrings Burst and scatter, we're inches apart. In a sweet happenstance, I found love; Love in the midst of Cupid's slumber; Slumber in the midst of time's halting; Halting in the midst of red heartstrings. For a second then, Cupid woke up And fate selfishly hid me from you. For a second then, the world seemed foul And music was beaten by the noise. For a second then, the heartstrings kept, And we moved on by chance and by choice..


A H Y M N T O S U I C I D E (luminatina★) Let go and fall Feel the wind rushing. Let go and fall; You will be flying. Let go and fall; Embrace the ground. Let go and fall; Remember the sound, Of your bones breaking, Your skin in shreds, Your muscles tearing, Your blood in beds Of rock and mud and thorns Of grass and trees all waiting; Of rice and wheat and corn While in splendid somersaulting Let go and fall. Let go and fly. Let go and fall Let go and die..

slumber prince

S L U M B E R P R I N C E (luminatina★) Everything went slow, Slow; Everything, in a trance. You were, You glow. And I thought I could take the chance To talk and make you laugh and see that smile you always wear; To feel you in this very moment, to touch your skin and smell your hair; To be selfish in this trance and not let others take you away; To freeze in here with you and listen to whatever you say. But everything went fast, Shaking; You were nowhere to be found. Everything else moved, Shredding; Broken was the ground. You are a dream lost in my sleep; A prince of my slumber. You are a dream I can never keep; With love I can hold no longer..

once there was you and me

O N C E T H E R E W A S Y O U A N D M E (luminatina★) Once there was you and me And the world watched us grow Once there was us, Unending, for all we know. Once, there was you With your silly laughters And constant japes and fits And mood swings and jitters Once there was you Who sat beside me and said, "I think I'm in love," With all smiles but I'm on dread. I asked, "Who's the lucky girl?," And you smiled like never before I asked but didn't want to hear a name For such a wretched word will hurt me more I felt sad and jealous, My left eye kept on twitching; Sweat beads falling furious At the thought of you with her kissing. Then you held my hand; Leaned your head against my shoulder. Then a deep sigh, and came words so few, "It's you. It has always been you." Once there was us With love and young and tender Once there was such a love That we thought meant forever. Once there was a night damp and cold I held your hand and saw you crying Once there was a night of tears, I let loose of your hand and saw you leaving. Once, yes, I remembered, Once there was you and me Once there was such a love Meant to last for eternity. Once was forever. Once was eternity. Once, it froze. Once was a memory..


Unforgivable by mermerizone

It's like nothing ever happened between us
Were you hit by a bus?
You're acting like I'm a stranger
Because of it my life is in danger.

Why did you leave me dumb?
You're not that numb
You let your feelings fade
And left me in a dark shade

Why o why did you let ice freeze your heart?
You mashed mine too like a pumpkin tart

I tried my best to win you back
And I do not know what I lack

I'll prove that I'm not as naive as a kid
I'll open your cold heart's hard lid
To cleanse the harsh memory of what I did.

Helping Hand

Helping Hand
(Dedicated to the Victims of the typhoons and other misfortunes) by Mermerizone

Lando Patricia and Yolanda
A prestigious line of chaotic bonanza
We're fortunate to have not encountered such tragedies
With the help of some civilized prodigies

But there are some who are mashed in this catastrophe
Devoured by what we call a massive calamity
With small hands and minds we can't handle such responsibility
To give materialistic needs and maintain their sanity

But there is one way and a powerful one
With this all the troubles would be instantly gone
A "conversation" to the deity of what we call the Maker
That's right, I am referring to a Divine prayer

It is all we can do best
Let him do the rest
I know they are pitiful and painful in the chest
But we all know we dwell in God's nest

To those who are suffering in devastation
Do not worry for all the Filipinos in the nation
Will be praying and appreciating all of God's creation.

just best friends

"Just Bestfriends" ~by: Yanaenae Lucky i am to have a bestfriend, Bestfriends till the end. But i know i have to pretend Cause now i know my feelings would never end. And i know that you and i are just bestfriends. I always say that happiness is all you bring But i have to say A memorable thing. And that one thing is, You're my everything. You always bring curves in my face, You always tie my shoe lace, You always make me amaze Of what you always do To have my dream chase. I knew it would trend. Happy to be your bestfriend, Glad to have you friend. But it'd much happier if... You and i were more than friends

Torpetitis by Mermerizone🐢🐢

Dear Doctor,

Damn this mental illness
It's always bothering my business
On reaching my sweet happiness
Which is Her nothing more nothing less.

Every attempt felt so right, but it makes me feel so wrong
Everytime I fight, I get light but it rapidly gets strong

How can I get her attention
When this illness is full of rejection
And oh did I possibly mention
That I live in a large mansion?

Funny eh? A man with a big house
Afraid like a little mouse
Running away from his dreams
The dream which is delightful like cream

So help me doctor, I beg of you
Remove this sickness so I can say to her "I Love You"
It is growing like cancer
Give me an answer

Is this curable?
Will I take medications that are chewable?
What will I do?
Will I stay forever blue?

Doctor : May I remind you that I'm an optimist?
You should consult a psychiatrist
By the way I know your illness
It is called torpetitis


C H A R M I N G R A Z O R B L A D E S (luminatina★) Can I cut your throat, please? And spill your blood in my hands, too. How I love to slice that filthy flesh And spurt your blood and play with a few. Can I tame those eyeballs out? And let the dogs eat them fresh and raw How I love this, no doubt Your socket and veins in awe. Can I cut off your head? And roll it on the floor, like what I said Your blood spirting and spilling, How I love this quirkiness and sighting! Will you let me? Can I? No, that isn't a request. Run, now, my baffled guest.



D I S T A N C E B E T W E E N U S (luminatina★) The theory is the brain that does the counting of the vital Of course, measuring in its very essence, is very cerebral The principle is easy: It tallies what it views. It's the head that crunches the digits without construe. But the dilemma is that my brain went down I presume, Especially now that our connection is doomed. I couldn't even figure out how things can be measured. No numbers, no figures, no records, even pleasure. I measure the space between us not by gas mileage. Not even by how many animals can be fed of the silage. The space between us can't be measured by the number of fuel tanks, I've emptied from searching for you in all the plains and banks. Because I realize I cannot find you. We cannot find each other. Because the distance between us is immeasurable. Only made tangible by the dirty footprints you left, And my desolation made physical by the tears of unrest. I count it by the gasp you utter, If only that can make me stronger..

Saturday, October 24, 2015

i wont let you

I Won't Let You
(Jieaseleanne-Shanne Marie)
Sometimes I'm falling apart
And it breaks my heart
I have to pretend I'm fine
Because you might notice the signs
Sometimes, I get tormented
When you share things on how your day ended
Your day ended well because of her, right?
But have you ever asked, why my day ended with no light?
Sometimes, I care about your feelings
But you never cared about mine
Sometimes, the phrase "I love you", means the whole world for me
Sad to say, you just take it as a joke unfailingly.
Sometimes, you make my heart beat faster
But at times, you're the reason my eyes are in a blur.
Sometimes you need me because you're in burden
And I'm stupid because I comforted you now and then
Sometimes, I thought you cared
But it's not the way I think it is and it's unfair.
Sometimes you act strange
Making me believe like there's you and me
You used me as your rebound and reserve for a change
You just made me look dumb and dreary
I thought you'd never do it again to me
But it happened with uncontrollability
Now you're back to break me for another day or two
But this time, I won't let you.


pieces of cake by yanaenae

One day i hear you Talking to me like it's true, Wearing color blue, Holding some roses then drew. Now with me you're walking through. And now we came Now i'm feelin' like a lame. I wish in the future You're my groom So that i'll always bloom And now we're dating near the lake While slicing, the pieces of cake. Eating my favorite ice cream With my favorite flavor of pandan green. And when i see you nearly kissing my forehead While giving the bunch of roses that are red I see no one and nothing at my sight Nothing in my eyes, i see light A colorful world turns to black, Just like a world that is dim and dark, And now it's just so dim, And then i woke up and said "Oh,! It's just a dream"


pink cherry blossoms
that bloomed today's early spring-
like of yesterday
                           -darlene lu-

jealousy hurts me
it hurts, i'm cracking slowly
stop comparing me
                         - chrizza joy mendoza-

one God's creature
beautiful butterflies fly
over the rainbow
                        - shane alyanna nimez-

sweet love forever
many problems came by but
we're still together
                        - john arniel aventura-

always being left
wrote in silver, came out red
please just grant me death
                       -kythlen myle samonte-

winter in this month
helps me show my open heart-
cools down my sadness
                     - shiela mae fuentes

think that i love you
till we may have forever
that love each other
                 - clare john devalgue

beautiful creatures
adored by holy preachers
so cheerful and proud
                   -jhan merson escaro-

very hungry me
eats the branches of a tree
and it's so funny
                   -leslie britney claire caspillo-

always together
promise until forever-
love me like you do
                - janna aira jimenez-

we were meant to fly
spread your wings across the sky
you were meant to fly
               -shanne marie dizen-

can go the distance
filled with gladness as i hear
the thrill so perfect
            -jessica dalimbang-

hold my hand my love
you'll never lose in the dark
it's pleasure to love you
              -nicole odette sustento-

love me for always
and i will love you for real
until the time's end
              -syntax error-

the morning sunshine
comes out when the sun gives light
so we can get hope
            -julius christopher tandoy-

you dont deserve love
but you can say i love you
and say you love me
             -omaira esmail-

fall in love with me
as if you've never been hurt
let's give it a try
                -syntax error-

hey, girl in the rain
take a chance at forever-
let's see how it ends
                -syntax error-

There's no point at all I'm already dead inside Please just let me die
                -chrizza joy mendoza-

we watch the leaves fall
as i lay down by your side-
such a lovely scene
                -syntax error-

love me till you can
if tomorrow never comes-
i hate this feeling
             -syntax error-

till the edge of doom
i vow to hold you so close-
and hug you real tight!
              -syntax error-

look me in the eyes
see how our love failed to last-
love that never was!
              -syntax error-

i dreamt of those days
when you were with me, still mine-
how fast the time ticked!
             -syntax error-

it was all my fault.....
sorry that i let you down-
now you bid goodbye :(
                     -syntax error-



As I gaze upon the gloomy room
I saw someone that casted me a Boom.
My soul was filled with tension
My mind was filled with intentions
My heart sprung fast, alarming the nation.

That moment when I was daydreaming
You came to me and asked why I was drooling
I summoned you with this goofy doing of mine
But atleast I felt like we just intertwined.

We became close, shared thoughts and leaped through time
Almost thinking that You are mine
I slipped my feelings through my mouth
And it made me want to shout

You drew near my face and closed your eyes.
Oh it is like a million lullabies
I was jubilant when you said "You make my happiness never end".
But your statement ended "I only love you as a friend".



I dwell in the past
Because it's the only place where I can find you.
Time has passed,
But I still found myself feeling blue

It is one life's tragedies,
When I met someone like you that I knew was meant to be
But of the unexpected things that happened within my state of peace
You became someone I just knew instantly.

Now, I can barely look in your eyes,
And all I can act is my pretentious disguise.
You became a wave of pain as a whole,
And all you have left is this aching feeling in my soul.

D O N ' T F A L L I N L O V E W I T H M E

(luminatina★; Dedicated to Zinkai)

I told him, "Don't fall in love with me
You might get your heart broken by me.
I'm afraid a woman like me is not worthy, I may not catch thee.
So don't, don't fall in love with me."
Still, he did fall in love with me.

He said, he fell because I'm poetic,
Charismatic, and someone who loves music.
I'm one lucky girl to be liked and loved by him
But I'm not that girl who can promise him "FOREVER"
You deserve someone better.

He always believed that I can be as loyal,
That I can make him breathless because of my smile,
He said I made him feel something he thought wasn't real
And he was torn when I told him what I truly feel.
If only you did not fall in love with me.

You have fallen in love with me,
And now you're left with intolerable pain and sanity.
You should've listened to me
So you won't be struggling now, helplessly.
Leave and forget that you have ever loved me.

Fall for someone who's not me.
Find yourself a woman who can love you wholeheartedly
Free yourself from my memory
You and me will never be happy
Forget everything, just like anybody else did to me.


Boyfriends: do they really matter?
Well, is this question bothering you? You don’t have to. Perhaps having a kind boyfriend would be perfect. Your boyfriend can carry your bag, sing you a song, give you flowers, make you inspired, join you when you need comfort and be a shoulder to cry on. Simply, he can do you a favor.
Girls when they turn 18 and still don’t have a boyfriend worry at the thought heavens must have cursed them and wonder what this good old earth has plans intended for them.
Imagine this, in this populous whole wide world where the number of girls is inversely proportional to the number of good boys. Where will you be? Will you desperately look for them?
In this changing world, boys do have sole intention to please themselves. When they already get what they want, they will just drop you off and will leave you hopeless. What they are doing are all in evanescent state.
I suggest, don’t hope for them. Have your focus. Know your priorities. Today, they are with you. Tomorrow they’ll kiss you goodbye.
Now, do they really matter? Think it over.

-syntax error-



I still miss the way his hair falls out of place
And how he keeps it away from his face
Then he'll look at me and smile
Keep my own hair away from my eye

I still miss the way he holds my hand
His fingers in between mine, were interlocked
The warmth of his palm in the coldness of my day
Makes me think that with him is where I want to stay

I still miss the way he puts his arms around me
Like he'll never leave although we look crazy
Then I'll rest my head on his shoulder
Feel him kiss my forehead while saying "forever"

But now, all I can do is miss everything
Just smile at the thoughts even when I feel like crying
Because it doesn't matter where we are
It doesn't matter if he's far

I love him till the cutoff time
And he loves me even when all the words won't rhyme.

a woman's heart

A Woman’s Heart
                A story does not always end in a happy fairy tale finale. Too often, a tragedy makes the story unthinkable and weighty.
                Aling Maria Fe and Mang Jesus met when they were in prison; they were both convicted for a murder case. Having had a feeling of being left off the beaten track, they constantly shared the same thought, laughed at their mistakes and never grew tired of listening to their each own past. After some time, Mang Jesus put into words the feelings he had for Aling Maria. As they were much in the same way, falling in love was never an impossible thing.
                They parted ways after proving themselves innocent before the court. But who would have thought that after ten years of their separate lives, destiny made a way to have them meet and greet each other once more hence to continue the love they have started. And by this time, they wouldn’t let themselves be dichotomized over again. Such moment generated a life totally different for them both.
                They had a child and had a conviction that their love was consummate and was made to last forever. They were really sweet as if nothing and no one would ever make them apart. As such, they vowed to keep their promises till their last breath.
                Hitherto one single incident made everything to alter the course of their entire doom. While Aling Maria was riding on a motorcycle, they suddenly collided on a marked unevenness in a road surface which likely jolted their passing vehicle. Her right foot came up against a forcible rock which brought about a serious severe damage on her ability to stand.
                Thenceforth, she noticed caprices and precipitate mood swings of her husband and the worst was the stonelike treatment she was receiving every time she wanted and needed to see for herself the world around her.
                When Mang Jesus was on a trek, she cried a lot up to the point that she made her catch her breath thinking that he might desert and pop off anytime.
 A woman’s frail heart crammed of hopes and dreams, wishes of spending her lifetime together with him, might slowly shatter into pieces. A heart that was quite certain on a cold harsh truth that perhaps sooner or later she would be facing a life on her own having no company consequently she prepared herself for the twinge and the woe drawn on by a hapless pathetic point in time.


internet cafe

Internet Café

       When I first felt the cockles of my heart, I knew it was love. Every time we converse about things, I could savor the delight reigning in me. He confided in me whenever he got a problem and that brought me a strange feeling I could never forget. I could also find myself dreaming of him. Thus far as time had elapsed, he still treated me much like that of his sister.(Perhaps I expected too much ^^). Loving him had such a nice feeling but it slowly turned into heartaches when I knew he was in love with another girl. I kept myself from being jealous until I found myself giving way to their love. This was how our story started:
          It was a rainy afternoon of eighteenth of December when we agreed to have our acquaintance in the internet café. I knew he just forced himself to meet and see me. I could fix my eyes on him in the campus but he never noticed that I always had him as the apple of my eye. He was one of the girls’ favorites in our school and that was why I kept in mind I could just own him in my dreams. He is hunk, has a pointed nose and alluring face. When I saw him face-to-face, I got stuttered and I didn’t know what to do. When he started to speak, all I did was just to look at him and start falling in love. I felt ashamed when he stared at me too that I almost forgot I had that sore eyes which were perturbing at that point.
 We were partners in crime but we never did a lot of talking. We were more on texting for he was frequently demure. What I never thought that this affair would lead me to love him even more.
          We became classmates. Every crack of dawn, I make sure to attend classes just to see him. And when I can’t find him, I become gloomy. Whenever there were quizzes, I never let him down. I usually let him replicate all the answers I had. Though I never heard him saying thanks to me and even he is not competent among other guys, my amour grows each time I pay heed to him.
          Before he knew me, he had his damsel. That veracity oftentimes leads me to sulk in the corner of my room and find solace in reading his long-before text messages. Until one day, thenceforth, I learn to love myself more than anyone. For one of these days, he will just leave me. I know he is just like a stranger, such a passerby. He won’t stay. No goodbyes.

the fault in our stars


I gaze at the vast night sky
And watch the shooting stars go by
Staring upon those hiding clouds
To spare me from the sentiment that abounds

While I’m in the state of boundless ecstasy
My thoughts are intruded by a striking lassie
That’s coming from a kingdom by the sea
She’s got the exquisiteness all Mademoiselles envy

Ranging from her splendor up to the love she can bid
Our acquaintance rightly started to ripen and breed
I twitch her towards our rendezvous in windy ridge
And converse there until moonlight comes to edge

Now I clinch she’s a paragon of grandeur
The way she voices reveals her unsurpassed feature
Just so right to equal her charming face
Suitable for an extant sociable princess

I guess the stars are not designed to grant wishes
They’re just there to lighten the wretch’s loneliness
I will not wish upon a star anymore

Coz’ she’s here with me to stay longer


By syntax error

I’ve been down, so terrified
Musing over past hurt, I got petrified
That feeling when I was so in love
Then you left me; I felt robbed.

Hurt sores were like hugging me
And I couldn’t breathe; you wrecked me
Coz’ you said “I would always be here”
Damn feeling, perhaps a bit you didn’t care.

I became not so tough, perchance I was really frail
Coz’ you’re banging in my head, following your trail
I was feeling crazy, I was out of control
I should stop this before becoming totally fool.

half crazy


From the first day of our story
My nights weren’t cold and dreary
Coz’ you are the one I longed-for
I’ll love you infinitely, that’s for sure.

All the silly and crazy things we did
They’re repeating, knocking through my head
Playing such melodies only both of us
Can ever decipher and get down with any fuss.

My feelings never dissemble and dissipate
Over little quarrels we used to articulate
I will be your cushion when it blizzards or rains
Cling to this promise; it constantly lingers

I will be clutching you in my limbs
Uttering in your ears all my whims
The love I could ever bid to stretch
I never mumble and never choose to be wretch.