Monday, October 26, 2015

R's Blood


I bathe in moonlight,
Strong and invasive.
I bathe in his sight,
Shy yet seductive.

I bathe in his blood,
Warm R's blood
And I feel peace,
Yes, peace!

But there's something more.
His blood hissed sorrow.
A painful whisper, that is.
His blood hissed demise,
A menacing feeling.
His blood hissed darkness,
A nightmare, that is.
His blood hissed hopelessness,
A dragging feeling.

He sways through the night,
Caressing dreams, chasing demons.
He embraces every soul
With his light for a reason
That his protection meant peace, it meant peace!

But I killed him, and
I bathe in his moonlight,
I bathe in his blood,
In warm R's blood.