Monday, October 26, 2015



Why won't you choose me?
Why not fall inlove with me?
Why won't you love me the same way that I loved you?
Why won't you treat me like the way I treat you?
Why won't you do this to me?

Why not try everything to make me happy?
And stop doing things for her that goes unnoticed constantly.
Stop being so foolish!
Why don't you just love me?
Don't you think this might lead to endless ecstacy?

Why not my dear?
Is this really your fear?
I'm not a monster to be unloved and be thrown away.
I'm just someone who asks you why.
And you didn't noticed for a while.

Why does it have to be her?
And not me?
Why does it have to be not us unconditionally?
Because you love her and not me?
Why does it have to be unfair and filled with uncertainty?


1 comment:

  1. Woah. I wonder who's this lucky guy? So sad that you two didn't end up together. But, good job 👏 You did great expressing your feelings through poem.
