Friday, October 30, 2015

Empty Pocket by Yanaenae

One never notices what has been done
One can only be seen when the remains are all gone.
One of the keys is to find happiness But one of these also bears sadness. How can I ever find happiness?
If my life is full of unfortunate events
How can I ever fill my promises?
 If my life always encounter enemies
And stories that brings tragedies.
Why can't I ever succeed?
 Am i that hard-headed indeed?
 Or a type of person that doesn't want to stay as an immature seed
Knowing that i could do this on my own, and that is what I believed
 Until one day I see one and important thing in my jacket,
 And that is my favorite locket.
But I know I have to use it,
 Even there's some tears behind my eye socket.
 Thinking that this is the only way to fill my empty pocket.


  1. thats so sad..ur choice of words are chosen carefully...such work of art..keep it up..

  2. Vast idea in ur young mind...keep doing what u love doing...there's an artist within u...

  3. Happiness is created by is not suppoesed to be found somewhere else because happiness is within us,only within us... Nice poem though..

  4. Empty pocket but heart full of love
