Monday, October 26, 2015

Die Young


One day, i'll leave the world
And never come back
Living my messy life and got blurred
Now it's getting hack

Crying after seeing the date when i die
Appreciating the bouquette that you buy
Missing me when you're in your lonely sit choice
Won't be able to hear my laugh and sweet voice.

There will be no more me,
To imitate,tease and say "sorry stupidly!"
Tears might flow out of my eyes
But i will be gone with no more lies

So enjoy my silly company
As i enjoy my life in heaven, till eternity
Painful goodbyes? Never say never
As much as before i close my eyes, forever


  1. nyay....ur too young to talk about dying..nevertheless i hope this poem is but a creativity only from ur creative mind...u have a lot more ahead of about postive things langga..theres no room for sadness yet..

  2. Don't be so serious about I observe in ur poems..just enjoy ur life for the moment..

  3. What matters most are the memories being made
