Saturday, October 31, 2015

MOONLIT NIGHTS *dedicated to oct30fleetingpal*

MOONLIT NIGHTS *dedicated to oct30fleetingpal*
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See how I cuddle you from dawn to moonlit nights
Until you gasp for breath and ceaseless sighs
See how I love to love you erotically
That’s never-ending want for sheer vanity

This suture that stemmed from our insanity
Oh how we love to feed our fantasy
Our insatiable appetite to be together
Keeps echoing when we’re at the barge close inshore

See how I crave for more when I prick your lips
You turn out to be less dominant when I’m priggish
Oh how I long to caress your body invariably
Till I get to see your demigoddess beauty

See how I plea for more to keep the fervor burning
I grip to be a captive of your boundless penchant
Like chocolates that tingle and capture your liking
I don’t need much…you’re all I want

You’re all I wish my primo terrific buddy
You get hold of me in perpetuum
 Tis love has got to last constantly
Till hell freezes you’re ever in my cerebrum.

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