Sunday, October 25, 2015


H A P P E N S T A N C E (luminatina★) For a second Cupid fell asleep And fate unfolded me unto you. For a second time, refused to move on And in trance we both fell in love. For a second the world seemed perfect And the music of love went floating. For a second the hidden heartstrings Burst and scatter, we're inches apart. In a sweet happenstance, I found love; Love in the midst of Cupid's slumber; Slumber in the midst of time's halting; Halting in the midst of red heartstrings. For a second then, Cupid woke up And fate selfishly hid me from you. For a second then, the world seemed foul And music was beaten by the noise. For a second then, the heartstrings kept, And we moved on by chance and by choice..

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