Saturday, October 24, 2015

D O N ' T F A L L I N L O V E W I T H M E

(luminatina★; Dedicated to Zinkai)

I told him, "Don't fall in love with me
You might get your heart broken by me.
I'm afraid a woman like me is not worthy, I may not catch thee.
So don't, don't fall in love with me."
Still, he did fall in love with me.

He said, he fell because I'm poetic,
Charismatic, and someone who loves music.
I'm one lucky girl to be liked and loved by him
But I'm not that girl who can promise him "FOREVER"
You deserve someone better.

He always believed that I can be as loyal,
That I can make him breathless because of my smile,
He said I made him feel something he thought wasn't real
And he was torn when I told him what I truly feel.
If only you did not fall in love with me.

You have fallen in love with me,
And now you're left with intolerable pain and sanity.
You should've listened to me
So you won't be struggling now, helplessly.
Leave and forget that you have ever loved me.

Fall for someone who's not me.
Find yourself a woman who can love you wholeheartedly
Free yourself from my memory
You and me will never be happy
Forget everything, just like anybody else did to me.