Monday, October 26, 2015

A Letter To Zyl


Dearest ZYL,

Let me make everything clear,
I don't need you.

I don't need you when I feel blue.
I don't need you to make my dreams come true.
I don't need you to protect me.
I don't need you to love till eternity.

I don't need you to stay.
I don't need you to be allay.
I don't need you to be mine.
I want to tell you that I'm perfectly fine.

I'm tired of being a crybaby
I'm tired of being your easily fooled lady.
I'm tired of the way you make me hope.
And I'm tired of all your promises left hanging like a rope.

Is it clear now my dearest ZYL?
That I'm already done with you and your tricky thrill.

Yes, I love you and the things that you do.
But I have to say this without leaving a clue.
That I'm tired, tired of needing you.

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