Sunday, October 25, 2015


Unforgivable by mermerizone

It's like nothing ever happened between us
Were you hit by a bus?
You're acting like I'm a stranger
Because of it my life is in danger.

Why did you leave me dumb?
You're not that numb
You let your feelings fade
And left me in a dark shade

Why o why did you let ice freeze your heart?
You mashed mine too like a pumpkin tart

I tried my best to win you back
And I do not know what I lack

I'll prove that I'm not as naive as a kid
I'll open your cold heart's hard lid
To cleanse the harsh memory of what I did.


  1. It seems that your very inspired Memerizone. It's kind'a nice and I'm expecting some more. Hope you'll grant this small favor of mine. ��
