Monday, October 26, 2015

Will Never End -by Gemini

I wish that i can find someone
Someone,that can make me feel that I'm the only one,
Someone that holds my hand while passing by,
Who's with me all the time.

I wish that there are things,
Things, that I'll receive with greetings
Things we could share to each other,
That symbolizes forever.

Finally, my wishes are coming true,
He suddenly appeared out of the blue,
I had no idea nor a single clue,
Now I see the one, whom I'd wish I knew.

The first time I saw him, my world suddenly stopped,
Just like my heart, hit on the spot
Thought of taking chances, no ifs nor buts,
This scene, is just like in a movie cut.

He came to me like there was no end,
I am the happiest in every moment we spend,
And let the world know, that his love will amend,Made me realize,that forever will never end.

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