Friday, October 30, 2015

SYMPHONY---dedicated to oct30fleetingpal

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Dance to the beat my love
 Feel the symphony…
Let’s bubble a cacophony…
Make your love falter and fab

Stride and lean forward
Let our love be orchestrated
My sentiment isn’t to be altered
From this day and onward

Take a leap and step…
You know, I’m the one that’s left
To play the accordion with a hand
My dear, I’m enamored…so adamant

Though I’m an addled romantic
This soul’s never gonna break your heart
I’m forever next to you, adjacent
Never bid you adieu, ponder me smart

I see we’ve a close affinity
Let’s tie the knots, not ever adrift
Pledge swears up until eternity
I’m radiant this has no limit

The rhythm that adds to aide-memoire
Starts with a dance, ends with a kiss
Whisper with hankering ear-to-ear
I beg for more, satisfy me please.

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