Sunday, October 25, 2015

once there was you and me

O N C E T H E R E W A S Y O U A N D M E (luminatina★) Once there was you and me And the world watched us grow Once there was us, Unending, for all we know. Once, there was you With your silly laughters And constant japes and fits And mood swings and jitters Once there was you Who sat beside me and said, "I think I'm in love," With all smiles but I'm on dread. I asked, "Who's the lucky girl?," And you smiled like never before I asked but didn't want to hear a name For such a wretched word will hurt me more I felt sad and jealous, My left eye kept on twitching; Sweat beads falling furious At the thought of you with her kissing. Then you held my hand; Leaned your head against my shoulder. Then a deep sigh, and came words so few, "It's you. It has always been you." Once there was us With love and young and tender Once there was such a love That we thought meant forever. Once there was a night damp and cold I held your hand and saw you crying Once there was a night of tears, I let loose of your hand and saw you leaving. Once, yes, I remembered, Once there was you and me Once there was such a love Meant to last for eternity. Once was forever. Once was eternity. Once, it froze. Once was a memory..

1 comment:

  1. Who's this lucky person you referring in this poem? May I know? Just kidding. Hahaha! Back to your poem. Your poem was Great. You are now an awesome poet. I knew that you can do it and you never seized to amazed your readers. Keep it up Luminatina.
