Saturday, October 24, 2015

a woman's heart

A Woman’s Heart
                A story does not always end in a happy fairy tale finale. Too often, a tragedy makes the story unthinkable and weighty.
                Aling Maria Fe and Mang Jesus met when they were in prison; they were both convicted for a murder case. Having had a feeling of being left off the beaten track, they constantly shared the same thought, laughed at their mistakes and never grew tired of listening to their each own past. After some time, Mang Jesus put into words the feelings he had for Aling Maria. As they were much in the same way, falling in love was never an impossible thing.
                They parted ways after proving themselves innocent before the court. But who would have thought that after ten years of their separate lives, destiny made a way to have them meet and greet each other once more hence to continue the love they have started. And by this time, they wouldn’t let themselves be dichotomized over again. Such moment generated a life totally different for them both.
                They had a child and had a conviction that their love was consummate and was made to last forever. They were really sweet as if nothing and no one would ever make them apart. As such, they vowed to keep their promises till their last breath.
                Hitherto one single incident made everything to alter the course of their entire doom. While Aling Maria was riding on a motorcycle, they suddenly collided on a marked unevenness in a road surface which likely jolted their passing vehicle. Her right foot came up against a forcible rock which brought about a serious severe damage on her ability to stand.
                Thenceforth, she noticed caprices and precipitate mood swings of her husband and the worst was the stonelike treatment she was receiving every time she wanted and needed to see for herself the world around her.
                When Mang Jesus was on a trek, she cried a lot up to the point that she made her catch her breath thinking that he might desert and pop off anytime.
 A woman’s frail heart crammed of hopes and dreams, wishes of spending her lifetime together with him, might slowly shatter into pieces. A heart that was quite certain on a cold harsh truth that perhaps sooner or later she would be facing a life on her own having no company consequently she prepared herself for the twinge and the woe drawn on by a hapless pathetic point in time.


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