Saturday, October 31, 2015

ONE DAY IN MEDIEVAL TIME by syntax error

-syntax error-

Winds prevail and the rains subside
Oh it’s cool for harvesting time
Let’s come home early tonight
We’ll get to reap our grains with might.

The lovely serfs wrought with smile
How wonderful to look at them in the eyes
They forget to get wed so soon
Just as they enjoy gazing stars and moon.

See how festive to work in a manor
To push the return of its former grandeur
Really it’s fairest to carouse life’s revelry
Let’s get drunk and merry till midnight hails.

Oh those damsels watch the knights pass by
I see the monarch’s heiress stand by
Waiting to patch up the hope for love
From a knight that said “nope” to her love and she sobs.

There are countless stories waited to be told
I am here to ever slowly make it unfold
But, Oh, I’m sorry I can’t ponder and be so mean
From a heartbreak that my knight caused me splintered ruin.

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