Saturday, October 31, 2015

Corrupt by Mermerizone

You crushed and killed luminous dreams
By sending painful and crucial death beams
Civillians thought that you are the people whom to lean
But you chose to fall in temptation and stealing is what you mean.

Cant  you just provide us equal services.?
Than giving us awkward and false promises.

I thought intellectual people are straight-minded?
But  look where the country has harshly landed

Starvation, poverty and bodily quivers
Are being solved by the poor by selling their own livers
Why dont you value the ones who put you in position
And solve the catastrophic signs that we all call your mission

Don't say we always blame
Because if you are worthy in the throne, problems you shall claim

Coursing through the dephts of misery and misfits
And the dying people knowing their own limits
Show us even the slighliest mercy
And we'll call you "Your excellency".


  1. Hi brother! I just read your work. I'm sorry, I'm confused, uhm, do you really want to be a doctor? Or the president of the phil.? Hahaha. I kid! Hawdaha oy!

  2. Are we talking about life and death or are we dealing with cheaters?We just need to have faith to deal with injustices around us and stand for what we believe in. keep the faith

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You did a great job! You're awesome. 😀

  5. Nice one Cuz!! 👍🏼👍🏼

  6. Keep up your awesome job Mer. So proud of you!
